
Yeast City Housing

Yeast City Housing is the first social housing company in the City of Tshwane and one of the first in South Africa. We operate within the framework of the Social Housing Act. Our mandate is to ensure decent, affordable housing, and to contribute to urban regeneration and social inclusion through well-managed social housing.

FRIENDS e.V. Germany

FRIENDS e.V. is a registered German support organization founded by former TLF volunteers in the year 2000. Since then a large number of former TLF volunteers have joined the FRIENDS community. FRIENDS support TLF as partners in many ways including fundraising and as Partner/Sending Organization for the “weltwaerts” volunteer program of the BMZ ( FRIENDS see themselves as a platform that helps others to gather experiences as volunteers. FRIENDS currently enable up to 8 volunteers from Germany a 12 Month service in Pretoria and 2 South African volunteers a 12 Month service in Germany. The website of FRIENDS e.V. is currently only available in German.

Institute for Urban Ministry

IUM dreams of African cities flourishing in God’s presence as church and community leadership love God and serve the city. IUM 's approach is to equip the heart (discernment), head (reflection) and hands (action) of the urban church, ordinary citizens, community leadership and organizations who seek the spiritual and social renewal of the city.

Working towards healthy and vibrant communities

Become A Volunteer